Akademie der Künste
+49 (0)30 200 57 – 1557
Authorized Representative
Prof. Jeanine Meerapfel
10117 Berlin-Mitte
Pariser Platz 4
Responsible for Content
Clara Herrmann
Basics09 (Korbinian Kainz) und Rasso Hilber
The platform was developed and realised with the kind support of The Gesellschaft der Freunde der Akademie der Künste (Society of Friends of the Akademie der Künste).

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The JUNGE AKADEMIE endeavors to ensure that the information provided on this website is accurate and up-to-date. However, errors and ambiguity cannot be completely excluded. As a result, the JUNGE AKADEMIE in no way guarantees the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against the JUNGE AKADEMIE on the grounds of tangible or intangible damage arising from accessing, using or not using the published information, through misuse of the connection or as a result of technical breakdowns, are excluded. All offers are non-binding and subject to change.The JUNGE AKADEMIE reserves the right to modify, expand, delete or temporarily or permanently remove portions of or the complete range of internet publications. To the extent that the JUNGE AKADEMIE offers the option to integrate third-party content within this internet presence (particularly that of its fellows, for example), these third parties shall be exclusively liable for the content thereby provided or included. The JUNGE AKADEMIE has no influence over third-party content, and nor does it endorse the same. However, should the linked sites of external providers contain any illegal or offensive content, the JUNGE AKADEMIE explicitly distances itself from said content. Liability for “external content” that is, for instance, made available via direct or indirect connections (e.g. so-called “links”) to other providers is subject, among other things, to definite knowledge of the illegal or criminal content.
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Comments and Posts
When users leave comments or other posts on the website, their IP addresses are saved. This is done in the interests of the provider’s security, in the event that someone posts illegal content in the form of comments or other contributions (libelous insults, banned political propaganda, etc.). In this case, the provider may be sued as a result of the comment or post and thus has a vested interest in the author’s identity.